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Make Profit Using Facebook Groups

Traditional “funnsels” using email automation are dying a slow, painful death. Aside from the terrible open rates, consumers aren’t dumb – they know you’re going to hassle them with sales emails for the rest of eternity. Email still has it’s place in your marketing ecosystem, but when it comes nurturing cold traffic into qualified sales prospects, there’s a better way. Facebook Groups Facebook Groups (and other online communities) are one of the best ways to generate more leads for your business. Right now we’re using a Facebook Group to generate 20 to 30 qualified leads each month. It’s a honey pot of leads that can be called on as needed to keep our growth steady and trending upwards. In this post I’m going to take you behind the scenes of our Facebook Group and show you how to apply the same strategy to your business. Why Facebook Groups? There’s a lot of noise on the internet. Building a community to nurture prospective customers is 10x more powerful than trying to get them on an e...
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